Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Office words wars part 0.5 (preface)
The most popular computer program nowadays is a word-processor.
The most popular word-processor is of course Microsoft Word.
Unfortunately/luckily Microsoft does not produce a linux version of this famous program.

So there are many programs trying to be "best MS Word for Linux".

The zeroth one is TextMaker from SoftMaker.com. Zeroth, because it's the only proprietary software, and don't all those hiding things. I'm not a Stallman's fan, but I prefer programs, that i can patch easily, w/o dissassembling it first ;)

So, TextMaker at a glance looks like Word, feels like Word, but is less functional than Word.
The good(probably the best) thing is that it's really fast. Flashy, so to say. Design is so-so, basic features are where we expect them to be. Unfortunately, TextMaker does not support Cyrillic and other non-standard symbols in plain texts. MS documents are opened easily, with some formatting mistakes.
The good thing is that SoftMaker guys have PocketPC version of their product, so if you want to make your own mobile office, it's a good idea to use it.
Output formats lack their number - tmd(own format), psw, html, doc, rtf and that's all.
"Help" option crashed my poor Ghostscript :(

Counts: Poor, very poor but very fast word-processor. Use it if you don't need much.


Anonymous said...
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yonyonson said...

Added you to my rss reader :)
Waiting for the new posts.

yonyonson said...

what about OpenOffice? Maybe it'll be a good choice for freeware office product?